
Crimping machine for composite insulator flange

What is crimping machine? Crimping machine is a kind of machine used to crimp the bottom flange of high voltage insulators in insulator production. With high pressure from hydraulic power force, crimping machine press the metallic flange from all direction and make the metal fittings (flange) well attach the core of composite insulators. Crimping machine is also […]

Insulator producting machine

FRP sanding machine of composite insulator

THE INSULATOR ROD SANDING MACHINE (FRP SANDING EUQIPMENT FOR PRODUCTION OF INSULATORS) GENERAL INTRODUCTION Like its name, insulator rod sanding/grinding machine is designed and developed for electrical polymeric long rod insulators and pin type insulators. These 2 types of electrical polymeric insulator (with another name composite insulator) is made of  a fiber glass core in […]

Insulator producting machine, Insulator testing machines

Porosity testing machine for porcelain insulator

What is porosity testing machine? The porcelain shell porosity testing machine is mainly applied for testing the porosity of the porcelain insulator shell. Porcelain insulator tester, porcelain insulator testing machine, ceramic insulator testing machine,ceramic insulator tester,disc insulator tester Why do we need a porcelain porosity testing machine? To ensure the desired performance of an electrical […]

Insulator testing machines

Polymer housing tightness testing Machine-Boiling tester for composite insulator

This polymer housing tightness testing machie, also known as boling test machine is designed and developed for composite insulator (also called polymeric insulator). In international electrical standard (IEC61109 insulators for overhead lines – composite suspension and tension insulators for a.c. systems with a nominal voltage greater than 1000V – definitions,test methods and acceptance criteria) for […]

Insulator testing machines

Tensile testing machine for HV insulator,wires,cables and chains

Insulator Machine: Insulator tensile testing machine (Also known as insulator tensile tester/tensile machine/tension test machine/tension tester/pulling machine /insulator strain machine/tensile tester for high voltage electrical insualtor) What is “insulator tensile testing machine” (insulator tensile tester) Insulator tensile testing machine is designed to perform mechanical property tests (tensile tests) of various types of steel wires, cables, […]

Insulator testing machines

Insulator locking pin testing Machine

WHAT IS “INSULATOR LOCKING PIN TESTING MACHINE”? This locking device testing machine supplied by Contune Intl company is designed to test locking device(retaining pin) on insulators.   WHY SHOULD WE USE “INSULATOR LOCKING PIN TESTING MACHINE”? HOW DOES IT PERFORM THE “LOCKING PIN SPLITTING TEST”? In many overseas projects,disc insulators of ceramic material or toughened […]

Insulator testing machines

Metallic Line Accessory (Fittings)

Contune International supply metal accessories for overhead lines,including transmission line,power distribution line and substation line. Our line accessories are mainly conform with IEC standard or Australia Standard. Material of our line fittings are steel ,stainless steel and aluminum or copper. For the steel items,they are all hot dip galvanized for anti-erosion. The oh-line accessories supplied […]

Overhead line fittings

Porcelain stay insulators

For low voltage lines, the stays are to be insulated from ground at a height. The insulator used in the stay wire is called as the stay insulator and is usually of porcelain and is so designed that in case of breakage of the insulator the guy-wire will not fall to the ground.

Porcelain insulators